
Our Parish Church of St Michael and All Angels

Tucked away as it is, our church is easily missed by visitors and newcomers alike. It is down a little lane off Carr Lane, very close to the junction with Hallowing Lane. But set in an extensive churchyard it is a quiet, peaceful historic jewel in the our village environment. It has been an important part of life here for many centuries. The Church is mostly open and is visited frequently by visitors who often comment on its historic beauty. Many just come for a quiet and sometimes prayerful moment.

The Churchyard

The quiet churchyard with its small car park is visited by those who come to the graves of their family and loved ones. It is an often used starting point for that regular walk across the fields.

Your Help is Needed - Become a Friend

All this is here in the village for everyone who lives here or comes here. The church and churchyard have always been cleaned, mowed and tended to a very high standard by a shrinking, ageing band of volunteers. We need more practical help with this, after all everything must look its best when that wedding, funeral or christening comes along!

So, we are are not especially after your money - we are after your time and interest.

Email me directly at ckwright@allmail.net or message me at 07594546917

Watch our website GreatMoultonFPC.org.uk For the Online Looking Forward and for updates

Chris Wright 

The Aims of Great Moulton Friends of the Parish Church


Our agenda is addressed equally to churchgoers and non-churchgoers.

We aim to

  • Promote awareness, appreciation and community support of the church and churchyard;
  • Coordinate volunteer efforts to maintain the church and its grounds in good order;
  • Maintain a membership list;
  • Use social media and the internet to keep members informed;
  • Organise social events in our support;
  • Occasionally, for specific projects, raise funds to assist preserving or improving the church and its grounds.